are you still there?  I know I have been away for a while, but I'm back to figure this whole blog out. I hope you forgive me for my inconsistencies. I have been trying to feature some fun ways on the blog asides from the whole beauty (shebang). 
Ever heard of Sharon of this is Ess? she is a lifestyle blogger, and one of my faves. she blogs about everything from beauty to fashion and lifestyle. LOVE HER. I stumbled upon a template on her blog and decided to feature on my blog. I believe It's a great way to pause and live in the moment.

Making; mental notes on how I can be a better person.
Cooking: this should be eating, because I was served a bowl of afang soup and eba
Drinking: lots of water and peeing every 10 minutes
Reading: hasn't been like It used to but I'm currently reading A Certain Justice by P.D JAMES
Wanting: to feel appreciated.
Looking: forward to a time when I get to take my leave from work and travel, to somewhere that has a beach at least, I keep imagining me staring at the ocean and the wind all up in my hair, something about being on the beach that is so calming.
Playing: SOJAY'S BUTTERFLIES a lot. 
Deciding: if I should texlax my hair or continue with my healthy relaxed hair care journey.
Wishing: we had an extra day between Saturday and Sunday. I  just need a third day.
Enjoying: the peace that I feel each day.
Wasting:  no time on this blog, I  have decided to dedicate a minimum of an hour daily to this craft and see how high I go, juggling a full-time employment and blogging is a multitasking lifestyle I have prepared to do, so help me God.
Liking: my looks with my new prescribed contacts.
Loving: this video from quandra.
Considering: taking a professional makeup class, feels like too much work for me though.
Watching: power, this series has me hooked.
Hoping: I can be better at multitasking, it's just the best work strategy in my own opinion.
Marveling: at how fast 2018 has come to an end, but I can't complain because Christmas is next month.
Cringing: at the time I flopped during a presentation at work, boy! 
Needing: a lot of money so I can get a Christmas gift for my loved ones.
Wearing: glasses to type this.
Knowing: I'm going to be a great woman in the nearer future, God's got me.
Thinking: of how consistent the universe is with this message; you receive what you give.
Admiring: the woman that is my mother, her strength is admirable. 
Feeling: loved and contented.
Snacking: on peanuts, I have eaten a lot of peanuts that I'm basically a walking peanut at this point.
Celebrating: a new chapter of my life, it was my birthday last month. just so grateful for each year.
Winning: on positivity, I have embraced that word to the letter.
Embracing: life and love.

That's it, I really hope this post inspires you to live more in the moment. love always.


  1. Admiring:the BrownskeenCynthia, she's super!

  2. This template is nice. I had to answer some myself. It just makes you reflect on life generally. Thanks for sharing.

  3. What a piece of write up. I put it to you the future you talked about is here. I know vividly you will reap the greatest gifts out of it. Superwoman!


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